
All Guarding Personnel deployed by SOI Security undergo Security Training Course which imparts the necessary skills to perform their duties with great efficiency and productivity. The training process is ongoing and progressive throughout the employee’s career to refresh and further develop their knowledge.

Our site specific training courses are designed after discussions with the client and assessing the training needs of the staff. The aim of these courses is to enhance the security skills of the security personnel and develop management skills in the supervisory and management staff.

The training module covers: Basics:

Physical fitness training, duties, responsibilities and performance of guarding personnel, conduct in public, correct wearing of uniform, alertness, courtesy, obedience, mannerism, badges of rank in police and militray force, right to private defense, filing FIR and benefit of PF, ESIC & LWF.

Trade Related:

Handling different type of security like reception, gate, store, factory, residence, hotel, mall, bank, ATM, cash in transit, etc., patrolling premises, search procedures, handing & taking over procedure, register maintenance & log book, handling of keys, handling CCTV, metal detector, breath analyser & other security instruments, examining identification papers and report writing for supervisor and above post. Emergency: First aid, fire prevention & control, crisis response and disaster management.

Pre - Deployment Activities

Before SOI takes up any assignment, operation team visits the site for survey to analyse and understand the security needs of client’s premises. Based on the survey report, a security setup for the premises is designed. A detailed set of instructions including charter of duties for security personnel, client’s pain points and expectations from security staff, emergency procedures and other relevant details are drawn. This set of post & site Instructions are prepared in consultation with the client.

Post Deployment Activities

Supervision, Rotation and Surprise Check The security personnel are supervised by area officers and area managers who visit the sites regularly during day and night time for surprise checks. In addition, senior executives conduct surprise visits randomly. The rotation of security personnel is done preferably every twelve months or as per client’s requirement. The staff is subject to transfer, as we do not encourage our staff to become familiar with employees or the union, which is in the interest of the security.

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Samurai of India Security Pvt. Ltd. (SOI) Private Security Training